Revealing Symbolic Interactionism Of Organized Crime Organizations’ Members In Bali

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Ni Nyoman Dewi Pascarani , Atwar Bajari , Tine Silvana , Rohanda


Several community organizations in Bali were declared as organized crime organizations and recommended to be dissolved by Bali Police Chief. The label of a dangerous organization was given by Bali Police and several media, both domestic and foreign media. On the other hand, a survey of Balinese people's perceptions of the existence of these organizations stated that more than 50% of them are not disturbed by their existence. In fact, every activity carried out by this community organization is still enthusiastically followed by thousands of people. The purpose of this research was to reveal the process of symbolic interaction between members of the organizations with other members and also between members of the organizations and Balinese society in general, so that they can be accepted by Balinese people. This study was conducted in Bali region by involving eight sources, consisting of three organizational leaders and five organizational administrators. Observations were also conducted to obtain more detailed data. This research used a case study approach, where data was collected by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The results of this study revealed that the existence of symbolic interactions utilizes Balinese cultural values ​​to maintain member trust in the organization. The process of symbolic interaction between members of the organization or between members of the organization and society occurs through symbols where the essence of thought is constructed from the experience of internalized meaning cues from the externalization process as a result of interaction between members of the organization and also between members of the organization and the general public.

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