Model Individual As Actor Animation Assist Edutainment In Writing Short Stories By APIPSU Medan Vocational High School Students

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Edy Suprayetno , Atmazaki, Syahrul R , Agustina, Darmansyah


The purpose of this study is to describe the development of the model individual as actor animation assisted edutainmnetin writing short stories at SMKS APIPSU Medan. The problem found in the field is the lack of interest in the model students used in learning to write short stories. This type of research is development research or also called design research. The research design consists of several stages, namely: 1) preliminary research (preliminary research); 2) prototype stage (phase prototyping); 3) assessment stage (assessment phase). This study aims to develop a product by testing the validity, practicality, and effectiveness. Data collection techniques used include interviews, observations, questionnaires, tests and literature review. Data analysis techniques validity and practicality test (expert review, one-to-one evaluation, small group evaluation), Effectiveness test data analysis techniques (normality test, homogeneity test, test t (one-tailed test). The findings of this study are the results of the study showing that the model individual as actordeveloped is proven to be valid, practical and effective for use in schools. Model individual as actoranimation assisted edutainmentproven to improve short story writing skills.

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