The Impact of Training Program Based on Pictorial Research Skills on Development of Thinking Skills

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Amjad Joma


This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a training program based on pictorial research skills to develop thinking skills among ninth-grade students according to their zone of proximal development. The study used the quasi-experimental two-group design: one control and one experimental. The study community was all 185 ninth graders in one of Rafah major UNRWA preparatory school, the study sample was 70 students of them. The training was delivered for 35 students as experimental group whereas the other 35 students were the control group. To achieve the purpose, zone of proximal development rating scale was used as well as thinking skills scale. In addition, the main tool was the pictorial research skills training program. The results revealed there were significant differences between the two groups on the thinking skills test in favor of the experimental group. The study recommends more studies and training programs based on research skills be conducted to develop thinking skills among students of other age groups. It also recommends developing teachers professionally on teaching thinking skills.


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