Entrepreneurship Management in Buddhism: A Study of Implementation in the City of Tangerang
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This study aims to analyze various reasons for the importance of implementing Buddhism entrepreneurial management for business actors in Tangerang City. to understand, analyze and describe the application of Buddhism entrepreneurial management to business actors in Tangerang City. To analyze the implications of Buddhism entrepreneurial management practices by business actors on social, religious, economic, and cultural life in Tangerang City. This research is designed to examine the management of Buddhism entrepreneurship with a qualitative type of research. This research was conducted in Tangerang City, Banten Province, West Java. Interview activities are carried out directly by face to face or through telephone media with interview guidelines. The conversation was carried out by two parties, namely the interviewer who asked the question, and the interviewee who provided the answer to the question. The purpose of conducting interviews in general is to explore the cognitive structure and world of meaning of the behavior of the subject under study. The interview aims to obtain important information related to the management of Buddhism entrepreneurship in running a company in Tangerang City. In addition, also information about the economic system according to Buddhism. given by the informant, to obtain truly in-depth data. Based on the description above, several conclusions can be drawn, including the following. First, there are several factors that lead to the importance of implementing Buddhism entrepreneurial management, by business actors in Tangerang City. Second, in the process of implementing Buddhism entrepreneurial management, it also follows the four management functions as modern management in general. Third, it turns out that the application of Buddhism entrepreneurship management in running a business, especially in Tangerang City, has implications for several aspects of life such as improving the quality of life, business actors, social life, and the economic life of the people of Tangerang.