Special Education In The Future: A Maternal Perspective

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Veronika Danet, Neyra Dianderas , Jaime-Agustín, Sánchez-Ortega , Lida Violeta, Asencios Trujillo , Luis Alberto, Núñez Lira (corresponsal)


The future will always be uncertain, but projections can be generated based on what is currently known. The advance of technology for education envisions new dynamics in the formation of students and has generated changes in the roles of all the vectors involved in the education of the future. In the population of students with special educational needs, there is a maternal and essential vector that favors their academic achievements, and it is the mothers who express their hopes in their children in order to seek their personal development and in their community. The objective of this study was to describe and interpret the academic expectations of mothers of students with severe disabilities in Special Education. The method used was analytical, inductive and interpretative-descriptive of phenomenological and hermeneutic design through in-depth interview. The results obtained indicate four categories: knowledge about Special Education, perspectives on future education, social environment and recommendations for future Special Education. As conclusions, there is a discrepancy between the opinions of professionals and mothers regarding the education of their children, however, they recognize the function of Special Education and the role of professionals, maintaining an idealized expectation causing disagreement between what was obtained and what was intended, both academically and socially. These findings invite us to develop new models of pedagogical intervention where maternal expectations are included in the curriculum.

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