Development of a Micro Physical Training Program Based On an Android Application for Athletes with PON Plates
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This study aims to design learning media for the basics of coaching science and especially help in the field of sports science, especially sports achievements in North Sumatra. The media developed is in the form of training program data applications for long-term athletes in 2024. This study aims to develop an android-based application media for the preparation and reporting of exercise programs. In the application, there is an exercise program that will be carried out by the athlete, where all the elements and treatment of the exercise program are contained in the application, so that the application helps the coach in carrying out an appropriate and accurate exercise program. The research method used is with a quantitative approach and using the Research & Development (R & D) method from Sugiono by developing products. This research was conducted at Medan State University, Jln. Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate. The time for the research was carried out from April 04 to June 03, 2022. The study population was the overall athletes of the PON KONI Sumut. The research sample was carried out using the cluster sample method, which is to choose athletes from North Sumatra regional plates who are outside the terrain city. From the results of research that has been carried out, it shows that the development of an exercise program application through Android is very helpful for athletes and coaches in carrying out their training programs.