Correlation Between Social Attitude and Computational Thinking Ability
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Problem-solving skills are an essential ability in the 21st century. The low ability of students to solve problems is e one of the fact in Indonesian education. Computational thinking (CT) is being promoted as a way to think problem-solving skills that students must develop in the digital era. The relationship between various cognitive and non-cognitive variables has been discussed in other studies. In this study, we explored the relationship between non-cognitive variables and CT through the correlation between social attitude and CT. This study aimed to determine the relationship between social attitude and CT as a result of the implementation of problem-based learning in Biology class. This study was conducted in March 2022 in one of the state high schools in East Jakarta, Indonesia. Data was collected through biology teacher interviews, social attitudes questionnaires, and computational thinking tests. Social attitudes questionnaires and computational thinking are administered to a sample of 71 students in grade 10th. The Pearson correlation analysis results show statistically significant correlations between social attitude and CT (r= 0,461). The correlation means good students' social attitudes are also good in CT.