Government Strategy in Electric Energy Security in Indonesia

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Ramson Siagian , Arry Bainus , R. Widya Setiabudi Sumadinata , Wawan Budi Darmawan


The availability of energy resources to meet energy needs in each country is of course different, and the unequal guarantee of the availability of energy resources requires a strategic arrangement on energy security in order to create guaranteed energy availability in the country. The purpose of this study is to examine the level of security of Indonesia's primary energy resources for the supply of electrical energy and to analyze the policies of the Indonesian government for electrical energy security faced with the complexities and problems of the sustainability of the availability of electrical energy nationally. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive analysis writing technique. Data analysis and interpretation in this study used a data triangulation approach. This research is deductive in nature, so the conclusions obtained in this study are the conclusions of the researchers on the data that was collected. Interviews were conducted with informants who were determined by purposive sampling taken according to data needs and secondary data obtained and processed from the laws and regulations governing energy security policies and energy governance, especially regarding electricity in Indonesia. The results of the study reveal that the securitizing actors (Government of Indonesia and Commission VII of the House of Representatives) have been and continue to strive to achieve national electrical energy security through a series of policies that have been proclaimed and hearings between private parties and remain committed to environmental issues.

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