Self Realization in Yogic Perceptive: A comparative analysis from Vedic age to Contemporary
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The history of yoga is very vast. To understand the yoga’s concept of Self Realization and it’s means as part of yoga philosophy, its various changes and modifications starting with Patanjali yoga, then Hatha yoga, Raja yoga and finally, contemporary yoga system (i.e. the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo ,Modern Hatha Yoga of B.K.S. Iyengar, Modern Raja Yoga of swami Vivekananda, Sahaja Yoga by Shri Nirmala Srivastava) should be thoroughly studied and investigated. The aim is to show the changes and modifications in the ways of Self Realization as well as yoga’s various concepts from the time of Vedic age till the contemporary period. There are various branches of yoga, but some of them are choosen to complete the study in scheduled time.
In this paper an attempt has been made to go into the depths of yoga philosophy and establish its connection to the Sankhya philosophy stressing on there the concept of Self Realization. Further, Patanjali yoga will be discussed with emphasis on Astanga yoga (techniques of Self Realization) and the concept of Self Realization. Furthermore, the development of Hatha yoga starting from Matsyendranath and Gorakshanath will be discussed with emphasis on their concepts and techniques of liberation. After that modern interpretation of yoga, especially of Aurobindo’s integral yoga and it’s concept of Self Realization. Finally, I will discuss the contemporary trends of yoga philosophy such as Modern Hatha Yoga of B.K.S. Iyengar, Sahaja yoga of Shri Nirmala Srivastava and Modern Raja Yoga of Swami Vivekananda are carried out. Along with this trial has been made to see the shifts and modifications in the techniques, concepts and means connected to liberation in contemporary yoga philosophy.