Implementation of ICAO Standards for Civil Aviation Security in Indonesia
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The world of aviation, which is full of technology, should be the center of world attention and must be managed strictly and safely. Aviation safety in principle is the main and fundamental thing in the operation of the aviation industry by taking into account the risk aspects in it. Therefore, in realizing an achievement of a good flight safety system requires a policy by prioritizing the regulatory principles regulated in the aviation industry itself. The main objective of this research is to identify policies on relevant regulations based on ICAO standards in encouraging the creation of civil aviation safety in Indonesia. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. This type of research is explanatory research, the approach used in this research is survey method, and comparative study. Interviews were conducted to informants who were determined by purposive sampling taken according to data needs. Descriptive analysis technique was applied in the preparation of this study with the consideration that the problem under study requires an understanding approach to a phenomenon that occurs in an effort to improve aviation safety in Indonesia. The results of the research stated that it was found that aspects of the license and bond (CE-6) of the ICAO standard had been implemented well by Indonesia, but overall the implementation of aviation regulatory policies in Indonesia was not entirely in accordance with ICAO standards.