Implementation of Employability Skills: Making of Robot Transporter Trainer with DualShock Control 3 Base on ESP32

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Edy Sulistiyol, Isfandiar Naufal Farisi, Muhammad Syariffuddien Zuhrie, Setya Chendra Wibawa, Agus Dwi Ramdhani


As the industrial era 4.0 signs of progress and technology advances, particularly in the field of robots, the world of education must adapt to these changes, particularly in Vocational High Schools. The purpose of the research is to create a trainer learning media and a robot transporter module using dual shock 3 control based on ESP32 that is feasible to use based on the results of observations made on the expertise of Industrial Electronics Engineering at Vocational High State Schools (SMK) Negeri 1 Kalianget Sumenep Madura. The validity, practicality, and efficacy of the medium are used to determine the level of media feasibility. Pre-experimental research design with One-Shot Case Study design using the research technique R&D (Research and Development). The trainer is categorized as very valid with a percentage of 92.63 percent, the module is categorized as very valid with a percentage of 83.64 percent, and the question instrument is categorized as valid with a percentage of 77.50 percent, according to the validity assessment conducted on 20 students from Vocational High School SMK Negeri 1 Kalianget Sumenep Madura Island Indonesia. The practicality of learning media receives an average score of 88.65%, indicating that it is very practical. Learning outcomes and student competency ratings with an average of 79.50 percent are used to assess the effectiveness of learning media. The results of the students' scores are normally distributed with sig = 0.335 > 0.05 in the normality test, and the t-test is obtained with t-test = 8.779, df = 19 with 95 percent confidence level (= 0.05) and t table value = 1.729 in the t-test. As a result of these findings, the value of t count = 8,779 > t table = 1,729 H 0 is ruled out, indicating that the Trainer Transporter Robot learning media has a large impact on the KKM value and may be classified as a viable learning medium.

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