Effectıveness of Entrepreneurıal Educatıon ın Impartıng Entrepreneurıal Skılls For Students

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Ankitha B R, Sunayana N


In scientific research and education, entrepreneurship is a relatively new and rapidly expanding field. India is in the midst of a transformation. Our traditional ways of life and earning a living must be evaluated and modified as quickly as feasible. We need to reconsider our perspectives on education and its implications. This is not the case right now; there are many educated job seekers; Indians do not require job seekers; the moment has come. 69 percent, 74 percent, 71 percent, and 78 percent, respectively, on all four abilities, including financial, management, marketing, and human skills, compared to 60 percent, 62 percent, 63 percent, and 68 percent for undergraduate students. Entrepreneurship classes should be obligatory for undergraduate students. Marketing competency is 71 percent on average among postgraduate students. The average human skill level among graduates is 68 percent. The average human skill level among postgraduate students is 78%. Graduate students outperform undergraduate students in all four abilities, including financial, management, marketing, and human skills, scoring 69 percent, 74 percent, 71 percent, and 78 percent, respectively, compared to 60 percent, 62 percent, 63 percent, and 68 percent for undergraduate students. This research investigates the influence of entrepreneurial education on the transmission of entrepreneurial skills to students, as well as the importance of such education. I advise students to regard entrepreneurship as both desirable and realistic, and to believe in their own ability to create new company prospects.

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