Digital Transformation of Health Quality Services in the Healthcare Industry during Disruption and Society 5.0 Era : A Literature Review
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between digital transformation variables and the quality of health services in the health industry in the Era of Disruption and Society 5.0. The design of this research is a literature review. Literatures review is a description of the theory, findings and other research materialsobtained from reference materials to be used as the basis for research activities. Literature review contains reviews, summaries, and thoughts of the author about several library sources (articles, books, slides, information from the internet, etc.) about the topics discussed. A good literature review must be relevant, current, and adequate.Researchers collect data through databases such as Pubmed,Sciencedirect, and Garuda. After collecting data through the database, the researcher used the PRISMA (Preferre Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis) method to get the desired article to be studied. Data analysis is very important when conducting research, because data processing will relate to drawing conclusions.The results of this study are Hospitals need to be motivated to immediately implement digital transformation in their management in order to realize optimal data integration on a national scale. The problem of using big data, data security and protection, data privacy, and the use of cloud computing systems is also one of the issues that is quite challenging to understand and apply in business. Various recommendations to related parties have been formulated in the focus group discussions. Recommendations are addressed to the government, especially those authorized to issue regulations and financial support, as well as hospital management to increase implementation commitment, knowledge management of big data analysis and cloud systems, as well as empowering human resources within the organization. These recommendations are expected to be the first step in realizing a digital-based health system that is able to provide quality health services for the people