Local Culture-Based English Education in Fostering the Social Attitudes of Learners at SMP Negeri 1 Cisarua

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Erliany Syaodih, Endang Komara, Dede Komara


Education in Indonesia is founded on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, with the goal of instilling self-control, individuality, intelligence, and noble morals in the Indonesian populace. The existing national education system in Indonesia has numerous issues. The level of educational attainment remains below the anticipated target. The teaching and learning procedures in schools have not been able to produce graduates who embody the national character and culture. The education process continues to prioritize and concentrate on cognitive outcomes. In the meantime, the students' emotional capabilities, which are crucial for communal living, have not been fully developed. The development of character and national culture in schools is therefore necessary. The school, as a focal point for change, must devote major resources to educating students in accordance with the values and traditions of their country. Adapting national character and culture in the classroom to local, regional, and national character and culture is a key part of the educational process. Therefore, education regarding the nation's character and culture should be produced based on indigenous knowledge. Students' social attitudes and cultural understanding can be enhanced by incorporating local culture into the English-language curriculum. In learning activities, aspects of local culture are incorporated into each session, in this example learning English, so that inherited local cultures are not lost or forgotten.

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