The Perception of Students Toward E-Learning Versus Traditional Classroom Learning
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A good basic education equips children and teenagers with the skills and knowledge they need to confront everyday obstacles and to take advantage of the economic and academic development possibilities. It is also an important engine for poverty reduction, economic growth, equality of the sexes, and social development. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted education system. E-learning or web-based learning became the core method of teaching the curriculum during the pandemic. A survey was conducted to investigate perception of this type of learning among students. However, the questions about the preparedness, designing and effectiveness of e-learning is still not clearly understood, particularly for a developing country like India, where the technical constraints like suitability of devices and bandwidth availability poses a serious challenge. In this study, we focus on understanding Student’s perception and preference towards the online learning through an online survey of 347 students. We also explored the student’s preferences for various attributes of online classes, which will be helpful to design effective online learning environment. We found that only 41% students were familiar with online classes. 65.2% of students agree that it is easy to access online material, 62.2% of students prefer to learn at home, and 54.4% of students prefer to study from home since covid was the best option. 22.2% students confirmed that online learning is interactive where almost 78% students were said it not interactive. major disadvantages of e-learning technical difficulties, lack of self-discipline, and poor learning conditions. In term of increasing knowledge, practical skill and social competences tradition methods is best as for the student’s perception. The students also confirmed that they are became very lazy and online classes are not very joyful for them. from this article can be helpful in designing the curriculum for e-learning and try to make the classes more joyful and interactive for the students.