“MANTERA PEMUAS” Increasing the Learning Motivation of Junior High School Students

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Nyoman Sudiana, I Made Yudana, Gede Ratnaya, Kadek Rihendra Dantes, Setya Chendra Wibawa


This problem was identified because; 1) more learning activities take place in the classroom monotonously so that students feel bored and bored to learn, 2) most junior high school teachers have not utilized the environment outside the classroom as a source and learning environment, learning outside the classroom is only done by a few teachers, 3 ) teachers find it challenging to find what learning materials are suitable for carrying out learning outside the classroom even though they have previously received workshops on environment-based learning. This study aims to increase student motivation through the "Mantera Pemuas", which is learning management outside the classroom. The research was conducted in 9 classes of Junior High School Students (SMP Negeri 6 Singaraja). Data were collected using observation sheets during observation, questionnaires on student learning motivation responses and interview results. The results of the action are based on the recap of the teacher's observation scores and the consequences of student responses, the average value of learning observations outside the classroom is 83.8 in the excellent category, and the average value of student learning motivation responses is 89.49 with very positive criteria. Based on these results and supported by the results of interviews with student responses, it can be concluded that management applying learning outside the classroom (satisfying spell) can increase the learning motivation of junior high school students.

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