Knowledge and Attitude toward Coronavirus Vaccination: A Survey among Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA) Communities in Samar, Philippines

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Emma Q. Tenedero, Lanie M. Pacadaljen


Currently, the entire world is facing the challenge of not only ensuring the supply of coronavirus vaccines but convincing people to take them, amid concerns over safety (Lema & Morales, 2021). Hence, this descriptive-cross-sectional study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitude toward coronavirus vaccination in geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas utilizing survey questionnaires and interviews as the main instruments. Participants were chosen through stratified random sampling with a 3% margin of error. A total of 115 participants consented to participate in the study.  It was found that GIDA communities have a low level of knowledge and have a neutral attitude towards coronavirus vaccination. In terms of its physical factors, GIDA communities from upland and coastal areas have a low level of knowledge compared to that from upland and islands. Furthermore, as their income tends to increase, their level of knowledge tends to increase and their attitude also tends to be positive towards vaccination. While, as their income tends to decrease, their level of knowledge tends to decrease and their attitude tends to be unfavorable towards  COVID-19 vaccination.  In addition, those with higher educational attainment have also a higher level of expertise and have a positive outlook towards vaccination, and those with lower educational attainment have a lower level of knowledge and have an unfavorable attitude towards vaccination.

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