RSU Web-Based School Automation Management System: Results-Based Assessment

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Emelyn R. Villanueva


Advancements in ICT have caused transformation of educational organizations. They have made important impacts in the areas of leadership, decision-making, human resource management, responsibility, and planning. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effects of technology intervention to Romblon State University operations and how the university can further optimize the effectiveness and efficiency of the technology intervention to the delivery of academic services and to administration of the institution. Respondents of this study were the end-users from RSU main campus and the system provider personnel. Data were gathered using survey questionnaire, validated through Focus Group Discussion sessions and analyzed using weighted mean, percentage and frequency. Though the results indicated that the overall assessment rate of the technology intervention project was highly effective, opportunities for improvements were still numerous as several problems in the implementation were identified, which had direct significance to the utilization of the system and delivery of provider’s services.

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