Appraising The Extent of Availability and Accessibility of Online Resources in A State University
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The gap that this study hopes to solve is the inclusion of pedagogical proficiencies together with the technical abilities in operating LMS. These are the kinds of skills that ought to be experimentally discovered before the establishment of a training program using that software as its basis. This inquiry made use of a descriptive-correlational design, a quantitative technique in the presentation and analysis of the data, and a census in the collection of data utilizing an adopted and modified instrument. In conclusion, the LMS subscription for LENS, Internet connectivity, and online subscriptions such as EBSCO, ERIC, JSTOR, Wiley, Ovid, McGraw Hill, etc. are SOMETIMES available, however video conferencing platforms (messenger, Zoom, Viber, group chat, etc.) are only occasionally accessible. The findings of the survey are concerning since they have an impact on the quality of online and remote learning. The fact that these online journals are readily available to the faculty thanks to the institution's subscription to them could be of great assistance to them. They were unable to attend the school library or any other public libraries during the time that the campuses were temporarily closed, thus it was difficult for them to get their hands on the physical copies of the literature that they needed. They are able to conduct study without leaving the comfort of their own homes and have access to this library subscription that the university maintains.