Flexible Work Arrangements, Leave Provisions, and Employee Job Performance in Banking sector

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Mwanaidi Shafii Msuya, Anitha Bommagowni Kumar


In today's competitive business world, it is necessary for the continued success of an organization to have a dedicated and satisfied workforce. Thus, implementing family-friendly practices in organizations can help employees feel valued, and in turn, they can reciprocate by displaying positive behaviour such as being committed to their organization and eager to put out more effort to increase work performance. This study sought to assess the influence between flexible work options and leave provisions on employee job performance in the banking sector. The quantitative survey was used to gain responses from participants in this study. A study used a sample of four hundred and seventeen respondents from three regions of Tanzania’s central zone. Data obtained from the study were analyzed using PLS-SEM methods. The result revealed that leave provisions and flexible work arrangements positively and significantly impact bank employees' performance. Therefore, it implies that organizations should implement these work-life programs such as flexible work and leave options and combine them with high-engagement human resource policies to encourage employees' work motivation and improve performance.

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