Awareness and Acceptability of the CSU Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives, and the Graduate School Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives

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Beatriz G. Clemente, Romeo C. Clemente


The vision and mission of the Commission on Higher Education ( CHED)  in the Philippines serve as a compass for the country's higher education institutions.  This study aimed to determine the level of awareness and acceptability of the philosophy, vision, mission, goals, and objectives of Cagayan State University, as well as the philosophy, vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the graduate school, along with the objectives of the graduate school programs across disciplines. The descriptive research design was utilized for this particular investigation. Respondents included graduate school students from the different programs, the administrators, faculty members, and staff from Cagayan State University, as well as parents, alumni, and other stakeholders who were chosen using purposive sampling. The results of the study reveal that the respondents are very much aware, and they highly accepted the University philosophy, vision, mission, goals, and objectives, together with the graduate philosophy, vision, mission, goals, and objectives. Moreover, the respondents are very much aware, and they highly accepted the objectives of the doctorate and master’s degree programs across disciplines, except for the program objectives of Agriculture along Animal Science, wherein the respondents have only moderate awareness and partial acceptance, while moderate awareness also along objectives of Physics and Psychology.


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