Evaluation on the application of lime, cow manure with Rhizobium inoculum on arsenic accumulation and yield of white beans

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Huynh Tan Hung, Nguyen Van Chuong


Arsenic (As) pollution of Soil and irrigation water is a serious problem when it comes to ameliorating crop yield and As accumulation. This resaerch was therefore carried at the field experiment in Phuoc Hung, An Phu suburban to find out impacts of lime, cow manure and Rhizobium on crop yield and As uptake of the white bean. The research was disposed in the local farm with four repeats. Four treatments were applied, which included doses of NPK-control (40kgN-60kgP-60kgK/ha), NPK + lime (CaCO3 at the ratio of 2t/ha)+ Rhizobium inoculant (108CFU/g), NPK + cow manure ( the ratio of 10 t/ha) + Rhizobium inoculant (108CFU/g) and co-application of a NPK, lime, cow manure and Rhizobium inoculant. Results show that amendment of lime and cow manure and Rhizobium inoculant to soil was adequate influences on the white bean crop. The increase in fresh seed productivity over control treatment valued from 17.4 to 33.8%. The As uptake of stems significantly decreased from 20.3 to 63.6% compared to control. Especially, the As accumulation of white bean in seeds was not at all treatments. The alone or combined supplementation of lime and cow manure adequately raised crop productivity and quality. Therefore, co-application of lime, manure with Rhizobium inoculant should be practiced to increase crop yield and improve crop quality in As contaminated soil and irrigation water in Vietnam.

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