Identifying The Criteria For Selection Of Healthcare Chatbot In Thailand Using A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach
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Today , Healthcare chatbot market is expected to grow rapidly. Chatbot for the healthcare industry is used for many purposes such as share information for the recommend health-related product, schedule appointment, check symptoms and refer to a doctor, provide supplemental mental –health services and attract new patient or customer. This research gives an attempt to determine the factors that have led to the success chatbot in healthcare. The purpose of this research is to prepare a model for the selection of healthcare chatbot in Thailand by using an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) which is a tool of multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methodology. It helps healthcare to improve the reliability of the decision. The factors affecting the selection of chatbot are collected from literature review and opinion of experts. The obtained factors are analyzed by using the concept of IOC. Then the remain factor are categorized and structured based on the concept of AHP.A questionnaires are constructed and distributed to 9 experts. Five main selection factors were identified. The result shows that the most significant success criterion is Security and privacy with 56.40% . The second and the third significant go to User satisfaction (18.10%) and Purpose of use (10.50%) respectively. The fourth significant is Efficiency (9.9%) and the last significant criteria is Technology with 5.10 %