The Effect Of Strategic Planning Initiatives On The Sustainability Of Oman Telecommunication Company (Omantel)

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Khalid Masaud Al Maadi , Dr. Kateryna Vorobyova


Abstract:  The present study is conducted with several objectives; to verify and construct validate the measurement model of Omantel sustainability, to estimate the causal relations between strategic planning, quality assurance initiatives and sustainability in the relationship between strategic planning and Omantel sustainability. A total of 333 employees from Omantel will be drawn as a sample based on the simple random sampling technique. Four instruments were developed to collect data; the first covers the demographic information of the respondents and the remaining consisted of a questionnaire with 58 items, rated on 5-Likert type categories, adapted from four established scales which have been validated and used in previous studies. The instrument went through extant literature and content validation process which involved a group of experts in the areas of business administration as well as scale development. Data will be analysed using descriptive statistics (using SPSS version 25) for the preliminary analysis including data screening and presenting the participants’ demographics. After that Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) procedures (using AMOS version 24) will be conducted in two steps to ensure the validity and reliability of the measurement model as well as to test they hypothesized relationships between variables of this study.

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