The Impact Of The Pemasu-Masun Song As Strengthens Affection Between Relatives In The Karo Wedding Ceremony
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In the wedding ceremony in the Karo people, there are many things that must be prepared apart from inviting all the relatives. In the ceremony that was held in a very big way, the perkolong-kolong, namely the traditional singer Karo, must be invited so that he can present the pemasu-masun song. Previously the song was called simelungen rayat, or katoneng-katoneng, but over time, this song contains a request for goodness of the human lives so that it turns into pemasu-masun which means asking for blessings and grace. In this song, the lyrics are more important than the melody. The lyrics can be worked on by the singer at any time according to his needs. There is no definite determination of the number of words or syllables in a sung sentence. Various things are studied in the song because its content is closely related to various aspects of Karo culture, such as the Karo people's kinship system, expectations in life, advice that is considered good and various guidelines for living a life based on customs.