English As A Language For Teachers And Students Communication Using Visual Media Image Technology
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English language teachers around the world have discovered a gap in the teaching and learning of English to ESL students. A definitive point of English Language Teaching is to furnish the understudies with compelling relational abilities and make them fruitful in their life. The modern education system strives to make the students employable and successful in getting the proper placement. Visual Media Image Technology (VMIT) in education is the mode of education that uses image and visualization technology to support, enhance, and optimise information delivery. Any Visual Media Image (VMI) based on English teaching would interest our learners more than any other method and motivate them to learn the language much better. Aside from posting the different showing things (structures), such a prospectus may also propose various open exercises. It has become unavoidable for the students of vernacular backgrounds to build up communicative competence in English. The goal of teaching English is to increase students' English competence, which is required to understand their main subjects and achieve excellent exam scores. Proficiency in English provides students with a doorway through which they can receive knowledge, and increase their job prospects. Students who study English for fourteen years, from kindergarten to the 12th grade quality in English is deficient in English competence, which is critical at the university level.