Digital Transformation As Intervening Variable On The Effect Of Leadership, Competence And Organizational Culture On Employee Performance (Case Study: Dpu Bank Indonesia)
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Facing the challenges of technological and millennial disruption of Bank Indonesia strengthens the mission of Bank Indonesia, one of which is realizing a digital-based central bank in policy and institutions through strengthening organizations, human resources, governance and reliable information systems, as well as a proactive international role. This research aims at investigating the relationship of Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Competence to Digital Transformation. Investigating the relationship of Digital Transformation to Employee Performance. As well as to investigate the relationship between Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Competence on Employee Performance through Digital Transformation as intervening variable. To solve the problems of this study Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis tool was employed using SmartPLS software. The result showed that Leadership, Organizational Culture and Competence influence Digital Transformation. Digital transformation affects employee performance. Leadership, Organizational Culture and Competence influence Employee Performance through Digital Transformation as an intervening variable.