Physical And Anthropometric Indicators In Police Officers Of The Advanced GIR Course Of The National Police

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Juan Israel Linares Ramírez , Jorge Alberto Molina Freile


The National Police of Ecuador conducts the Intervention and Rescue Group (GIR-Grupo de Intervención y Rescate); For their activities, they must maintain an adequate physical and academic appearance for the performance of their duties, in their courses physical, medical, psychological, and academic tests are required. Therefore, the objective was to determine physical and anthropometric indicators in the first phase of the selection process in the advanced course of the GIR of the National Police; applying descriptive - explanatory research of correlational order, of quantitative type. Information was obtained through physical tests, with a population of 40 policemen and a sample of 17 policemen, to whom a battery of tests was applied, generating three evaluations during the realization of the first phase of the course that had a duration of 8 weeks. The results obtained give an average age of 24 years, and actual weight of 63.20 kg, with a fat weight of 11.75% and a muscle weight of 47. 27%, which gives a mesomorphic body composition, which is ideal for police personnel; the tests with better performance were the dominated, with an increase of 40% in the 8 weeks of hard work, and the climbing test at the end, with a (-35%) i.e., it improved by lowering the times from 17 seconds to 11 seconds; concluding that it is necessary to apply these tests periodically, improving the order of the structure of the courses, not being necessary any expense for the institution by having the adequate infrastructure to carry out these courses.

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