The Efficacy of adopting Servant Leadership to Improve Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction. Empirical Study of Higher Education Sector in Kuwait.

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Nourhan El-Bayaa, Hosam Azat Elsaman


The main purpose of this study to test the impact of servant leadership (SL) on employee’s job satisfaction and to understand the deeper nuances and benefits of Servant Leadership style on employee engagement precisely after Covid 19  pandemic crises .Several studies explained and clarified the effect and the relationship between the leadership and the employee engagement, employee performance in corporates and how the leadership styles can influence on the institutions culture, employee engagement and satisfaction, and motivation. (Yang & Islam, 2012). The research methodology followed simple random technique, survey questionnaire designed and distributed with 320 employees working in private higher education organizations in Kuwait. The finding spotted that there is a significant , strong, and positive relationship between servant leadership and employee job satisfaction. The results of the hierarchical regression analysis highlighted  the role of leader member exchange in moderating the relationship between servant leadership and increasing employee engagement.

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