Positive thinking and its relationship to the performance of the skill of stabbing with a blind weapon for the students of the faculty of physical education and sports sciences

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Marwan Haseeb Hassan, Salem khalaf Fahd


This study aims at building a scale of positive thinking among students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, and identifying the relationship between positive thinking and the skill of stab among students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.
The researcher used the descriptive approach using survey and correlative relations. The research community included the students of the third stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - Tikrit University for the academic year 2021-2022, and their number was (93) students. Female students were excluded, and the research sample included (74) students. The researcher used the statistical bag (spss) to process the data and get the results. Among these statistical means are as follows: (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, standard error, chi-square (ka²). T-test for one independent sample and for two correlated and uncorrelated samples. Coefficient Cronbach's alpha, Pearson simple correlation coefficient, Spearman-Brown equation, and multiple correlation coefficient).
The findings showed that positive thinking has an effective and positive importance in the accuracy of the performance of the stab skill through the significant correlation between them.

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