A Tracer Study of Graduate Programs: Evidences of College of Education’s Commitment in Transforming Lives

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Sumande, Caroline T., Comuyog, Minna L., Bactasa, Melanie F., Aribon, Mark Anthony, Rural, Joan D


Higher education institutions are significantly contributing to the socio-economic development of the country by endowing individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills, and capability to become more productive and useful citizen of the country.  This tracer study on PUP COED GS programs; Master in Education Management and Doctor in Education Management employed the use of exploratory mixed method of research using two phases in process; interview and observation to further improve the questionnaire which constitutes the 2nd phase by means of distributing the same via google form, Facebook accounts, emails and personal cellular number in order to achieve a response rate of 63% from MEM graduates and 45% from DEM graduates.  Using the first phase method, the researchers were able to transcribe participant’s responses that were coded. The themes were generally anchored from the research questions. Each of the four themes have sub-themes emerged based on the identified common codes and descriptions reflected during the interviews. While, personal and employment profile were able to capture from the questionnaire along with other sub-questions necessary to provide feedback on the improvement of the PUP COED graduate school programs understudied.


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