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The Covid-19 pandemic has not been completely handled in almost every country in the world up until the end of 2020, its impact was felt by Indonesia. The major changes that continue to occur in all aspects of human life are also targeting the education system. Changes in the education system in Indonesia have a very significant effect on learning and students, where students experience difficulties in following the learning process, especially students at the elementary level. It can be ascertained that the cause is due to the fact that learning is usually carried out conventionally, dominance is still centralized on the educators, and the models used do not vary much. Within a short time period and without preparation, learning must be adapted to the needs, situations and conditions, so that learning can still be carried out. Distance learning process (Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh) using online modes is expected to bridge the relationship and communication between educators and students so that the learning process does not experience obstacles. To make Distance Education implemented optimally, Distance Education cannot be separated from the utilization of Information Technology. This article aims to examine further how the implementation of Distance Education relies on technology, as well as the use of appropriate learning models for students during the Covid-19 pandemic, using descriptive-analytical literature methods. The results and conclusions in this paper indicate that technology-based learning has an important role in the implementation of learning, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. The management and implementation of technology-based learning is very dependent on Information Technology, facilitating educators so that the continuity of interaction between educators and students does not face any problems. It is hoped that the competence of educators in managing Distance Education using online modes is expected to be continually developed by utilizing various learning models, so that the learning process can be optimized. Although in its implementation there are still several obstacles related to academic culture, including values, attitudes, knowledge, skills, and readiness of technology-related facilities and infrastructure, education management by utilizing various learning models and supporting technology can be one of the solutions in facing challenges of Distance Education during the current Covid-19 pandemic.