Prospective Teachers Interest In Para-Curriculum

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K. Sujitha , Dr. A. Rajeswari


The present study aims to identify the interest in the Para-curriculum of Prospective Teachers in relation to some variables Gender (Male, Female), Specialization (Arts Vs. Science), Level of Education (Undergraduate, Postgraduate). For the purpose of the current study, a questionnaire for finding interest in Para-curriculum was used. The research sample consisted of 300 student teachers in the Tanjore District of Tamil Nadu. The study found that the Prospective Teachers' level of interest in Para-curriculum was high in general. Also, to the variable of Gender, there is no significant difference in the mean scores and with respect to the Specialization statistically, there is a significant difference found in it. Finally, in terms of Level of Education, there is a significant difference between their interest in Para-Curriculum.

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