Development Book Of Science Process Skills Through Problem Based Learning Models Improving Creative Thinking Ability

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Siti Mayang Sari , Retno Dwi Suyanti , Anita Yus , Bornok Sinaga , Nurdin Bukit , Wawan Bunawan


Teaching requires new innovations to apply learning to be more varied and competent in their fields, so that they have creative, active, and innovative effects on elementary school teacher education students. As prospective teachers, they are guided to make creative innovations in learning. In line with that, this research was conducted to see the ability of students to think creatively by developing textbooks for science process skills through a problem based learning model. This research method is descriptive quantitative, namely assessing and defining students' science process skills on creative thinking skills through problem based learning models. The Science Process Skills Textbook (KPS) is a book used by students in the basic science concepts course. Some of the material discussed in the science process skills book includes: Living things and their environment, organ systems in humans, the importance of healthy living, the concept of matter and its nature, the earth and the universe. Learning is done through a problem based learning model. The level of students' creative thinking skills achieved is very significant, seen from the learning outcomes, the average achievement value is 4.1%, the category is satisfactory. This achievement is carried out through online learning based on the developed science process skills book. The novelty achieved is the practicality and effectiveness of a valid, practical and effective science process skill book that can be used as a student handbook. Science process skills books that can be taught online have a practical and effective appeal and improve students' creative thinking skills so that the teaching and learning process runs actively, flexibly and efficiently during learning.

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