The Role of Plastic Art In Opposing Terrorism And Extremism

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Dr. Abdul raheem Awad Hassan Abdel kareem


This study aimed to discourse an important issue related to clarify the role of plastic art in fighting the phenomena of terrorism and radicalism, by making awareness of the public opinion that terrorism aims to threaten the innocuous people and bloodshed of the them, targeting women and children, destroy vital constructions, historical sites and places of worship and making front against extremism in its various forms. Also, the study aimed at attaining the integration of plastic arts and their focus on confronting terrorism, as well as artist’s opinion to confront extremism and terrorism, and emphasizing their quest to renounce violence, extremism and terrorism, in addition to their rejection of all forms of bloodshed that cause destruction to societies, through the expressive artistic painting and fighting to terrorism, which plays an active role in exposing the violations and crimes of terrorists. This study, with its limits and methodology, relies on the descriptive, analytical method in a scientific manner to answer the research questions and focus on some of the artworks that covered the subject of the study, whether by known or unknown artists who worked to combat extremism and terrorism through plastic art, to convey their message that terrorism is an enemy of humanity, as no religion to terror.  The study concluded that the plastic arts have played an important role in fighting against terrorism and extremism on the countries of the world through art. Where a special state of anarchy, fear and terror was created, through terrorist organizations that practiced the most terrible types of killing, destruction and various crimes against humans, plants and stones. This case helped the artists to find new themes and artistic methods to work through to develop their works through a new vision to convey their powerful message to society that terrorism has no religion and is an enemy of humanity.

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